We've been coming back and forth from our retirement home on Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri for about 5 years now. This Winter trip has got to be one of the weirdest of them all. I was sick before we even LEFT the lake this past Fall. A trip to the Doc's lead me to the realization that I was a lot sicker than I thought, a bad case of bronchitis took me down. My thoughts were I'd snap around once we reached Tucson and the "warmer" climate. NOT.....We have both been sick all Winter here. I finally started feeling better about 2 1/2 weeks ago and then Joe came down with something, he got better and then I caught it again.
We have spent the last couple months wondering when we were going to have "Christmas" as a family. We would plan on a day and then one of the grandkids would be sick.....then it started through the adults and, well, we have to report that we FINALLY HAD CHRISTMAS TODAY! Christmas in March, that has to be a first. Lindsay remarked today that she was glad she hadn't left the Christmas tree up!
There have been sick kids, sick adults, hospital stays by family members, a passing of a Dear Uncle of my daughter in laws, LOTS of babysitting, picking up of kids from school, a runaway grandson that was gone for 13 days (and returned safely) and SNOW, LOTS OF SNOW. Even the little white dog has had it this trip.
All I can say is I'm just about packed up, Joe has the house closing "to do" list just about done, SisseeLou is wondering where her life jacket is and these "SnowBirds" are heading home! Yes, it's still cold at the lake but we don't care! We'll have the woodstove going and a pot of coffee made within 30 minutes of our arrival, SisseeLou will have every squirrel run back up the trees and then there will be digging out my seed catalogs and the planning of the garden for Spring, visiting with friends, getting busy with our Lion's Club friends, hugging everyone at church I've missed and working in my yard....ah....SPRING is just around the corner!
Tucson, we love you but really, we've had enough of you this Winter.....hopefully you'll be better to us in November when we return! See ya later!!
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